RT 5.0.7 Documentation



RT::Report - Base class of RT search charts


This class defines fundamental bits of code that all report classes like RT::Report::Tickets can make use of.

Subclasses are supposed to have the following things defined:


Group By options are defined here.


Calculation options are defined here.

Check RT::Report::Tickets for real examples.


_FieldToFunction FIELD

Returns a tuple of the field or a database function to allow grouping on that field.


By default, it's the first item in @GROUPINGS.


For complicated reports that can't be calculated in SQL, do them in Perl.

GetReferencedObjects Query => QUERY

This is generally an abstraction of GetReferenced... methods in RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree, based on what current report is for.

Returns a tuple of the class and referenced objects.

GetCustomFields Query => QUERY

Returns an RT::CustomFields object that contains all possible custom fields the given query can refer to.

GetCustomRoles Query => QUERY

Returns an RT::CustomRoles object that contains all possible custom roles the given query can refer to.

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