RTIR 5.0.1 Documentation
- RTIR Documentation Index
- Managing Incident Responses
- Reply Reporters Incident
- Reply All Incident
- Link Incident with new IR
- Link Incident with existing IR
- Link Incident with new Countermeasure
- Link Incident with existing Countermeasure
- Resolve Incident
- Resolve Incident & linked IR's and Investigations
- Quick resolve Incident
- Abandon Incident
- Launch Investigation
- Correspond with Correspondent
- Remove Countermeasures
- Activate Countermeasures
- Split Countermeasures, Split Investigation, Split Incident
- Merge Countermeasures, Split Investigation, Split Incident
- These Actions are part of normal Ticket management in RT
RTIR Documentation Index
RTIR's documentation can be found in POD form in the docs/ subdirectory of your RTIR install. Some things may be documented with specific tools (such as rt-mailgate) or with RT's standard documentation. Other topics will be documented in the perl modules that comprise RTIR.
RTIR's documentation is also available online at http://bestpractical.com/docs/rtir/.
Create new IR via e-mail
Mailgate help: rt/bin/rt-mailgate --help
Reply from requestor on IR via e-mail
Mailgate help: rt/bin/rt-mailgate --help
Encrypting Mail with GnuPG
See RT::Crypt::GnuPG and "GnuPG Encryption" in AdministrationTutorial
Create new countermeasure via web-interface
"Creating a Countermeasure" in Tutorial
Managing Incident Responses
Merge IR
Split IR
"Splitting tickets" in Tutorial
Reject IR
Bulk Reject IR
"Rejecting many IRs at once (bulk reject)" in Tutorial
Linking IRs to Incidents
- Link IR with new Incident
- Create new Incident from IR via 'Basics' section
- Link IR with existing Incident
"Linking IRs to Incidents" in Tutorial
Reply Reporters Incident
"Reply to Reporters" in Tutorial
Reply All Incident
Link Incident with new IR
"Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc." in Tutorial
Link Incident with existing IR
"Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc." in Tutorial
Link Incident with new Countermeasure
"Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc." in Tutorial
Link Incident with existing Countermeasure
"Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc." in Tutorial
Resolve Incident
"Resolving an Incident" in Tutorial
Resolve Incident & linked IR's and Investigations
"Resolving an Incident" in Tutorial
Quick resolve Incident
Abandon Incident
"Abandoning Incidents" in Tutorial
Bulk Abandon Incidents
"Abandoning Many Incidents at Once (Bulk Abandon)" in Tutorial
Launch Investigation
"Linking Incidents to IRs, Investigations, etc." in Tutorial
Correspond with Correspondent
"Correspond with Correspondent" in Tutorial
Remove Countermeasures
Activate Countermeasures
Split Countermeasures, Split Investigation, Split Incident
Merge Countermeasures, Split Investigation, Split Incident
These Actions are part of normal Ticket management in RT
- Create new IR via web-interface
- Create new Incident via web-interface
- Reopen Incident
- Comment Countermeasures via web-interface
- Steal Countermeasures
- Reply IR via web-interface
- Comment IR via web-interface
- Reply from correspondent on Investigation via e-mail
- Reply from correspondent on Countermeasures via e-mail
- Comment on Investigation via web-interface
- Resolve IR
- Reopen IR
- Update Incident via e-mail
- Comment Incident via web-interface
- Resolve Investigation
- Reopen Investigation
- Steal Investigation