RT 5.0.6 Documentation
- UPGRADING FROM RT 4.4.0 and greater
- UPGRADING FROM 5.0.0 AND 5.0.1
UPGRADING FROM RT 4.4.0 and greater
The 5.0 release is a major upgrade and as such there are more changes than in a minor bugfix release (e.g., 4.4.0 to 4.4.1) and some of these changes are backward-incompatible. The following lists some of the notable changes, especially those that might require you to change a configuration option or other setting due to a change in RT. Read this section carefully before you upgrade and look for changes to features you currently use.
See devel/docs/UPGRADING-5.0 for internals changes relevant to extension writers, including deprecated code.
Upgrading Recommendations
RT now defaults to a database name of rt5 and an installation root of /opt/rt5.
If you are upgrading, you will likely want to specify that your database is still named rt4 or even rt3. Alternatively, you could import a backup of your database as rt5 to conform to the new default, although this isn't required.
Upgrading to RT 5 over an existing RT 4 installation (/opt/rt4) is not recommended and will almost certainly cause issues. Instead, do a fresh install into /opt/rt5 (or your custom location) for the code portion of the upgrade. Then import your existing database and run the database upgrade steps using make upgrade-database.
We recommend this approach because of the large number of changes to the code base for this major release. We moved some things to new locations and old files are not removed as part of the upgrade process. These old files will still be detected by RT in some cases and will cause issues.
Installing a fresh code base will also allow you to evaluate your local modifications and configuration changes as you migrate to 5.0. If you have changes made directly to the RT code, it's a good time to look at the hooks RT provides for custom code in extensions or in the local directory. See docs/writing_extensions.pod for more information.
Database Changes
For MySQL and MariaDB, the default character set has been updated to utf8mb4 to accommodate more unicode characters including emojis. See README.MySQL and README.MariaDB for details.
The Id field in some tables is changed from INT to BIGINT to accommodate large RT systems that may hit the maximum number of ids. Because this change touches large RT tables like Transactions and Attachments, this upgrade step may take a while to run.
You also will need free disk space equal to the size of these tables while running because MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL will create a temporary copy of the table while running. If you don't have sufficient space, it can cause this step to fail.
Notable Changes
System configuration options can now be changed by SuperUsers via the web UI. File-based configuration options are still loaded. Changes made via the web UI take precedence over file-based options if both are set.
If you prefer to keep all configuration in files and disable editing in the web UI, set this option to 0:
Set($ShowEditSystemConfig, 0);
The variables which alter the set of HTML elements allowed in HTML scrubbing have moved; they have been renamed, and are now found under RT::Interface::Web::Scrubber.
The articles interface on tickets has been simplified, now showing only a dropdown for selecting articles. This dropdown converts to an autocomplete box when the dropdown contains more than
items.With this simplified interface, the "hotlist" feature is no longer needed as all articles in classes applied to a given queue are available in the dropdown/autocomplete field. To prevent articles in a class from appearing for a queue, you can unapply the class from that queue.
The upgrade steps remove the hotlist configuration from your RT database by removing that column from the Articles table. Since the article class must be applied to a queue for the hotlist items to appear, all articles should continue to appear in the new interface.
The updated rich text editor now shows the browser context menu (right-click menu) by default, so the MessageBoxUseSystemContextMenu configuration option is no longer needed and has been removed.
Dashboards previously in the Home menu have been moved to the Reports menu. The reports previously in the Reports menu are still there, but you can now edit the Reports menu like the previous Home menu, so you can remove the default reports if you like.
All other dashboard menu functionality should be the same including editing your own menu, the global settings, and setting a user's menu from the user admin page for that user.
Accessing RT from a mobile device no longer defaults to the mobile-optimized interface. RT 5.0 is fully responsive so the full UI can be used on mobile devices. Set the configuration option
to true to restore the previous behavior.RT can now run with GnuPG 2.2. On install or upgrade, it requires the updated version of GnuPG::Interface.
make testdeps
will test for the correct version. RT should also still run with GnuPG 1.4.x. It is not supported for GnuPG versions 2.0 or 2.1. On some Linux systems, you may need to add a new repo to get an updated GnuPG package with some version of 2.2.RT search results now allow inline editing of ticket metadata, greatly improving usability and convenience. Editable fields are now the default for most ticket fields in search results.
The ticket Owner field sometimes requires extra work to build and can result in slower page load times, so the default Owner format is read-only. To enable inline edit for Owner, update your search to use the format OwnerNameEdit.
If you experience slower page loads with OwnerNameEdit, you can display Owner as an autocomplete box rather than a dropdown using the AutocompleteOwners configuration option. This may also help other areas of RT in addition to searches.
We are investigating options to improve the underlying queries. Some users have reported improved performance with the following indexes, at least on PostgreSQL:
CREATE INDEX ACL2 ON acl (objecttype, objectid); CREATE INDEX ACL3 ON acl (principalid, rightname, principaltype);
We are performing testing and looking for additional feedback before adding these to default RT.
Extensions Integrated into RT 5
The following extensions are now part of RT 5. If you previously used any as an extension, you no longer need the extension after upgrading and can remove the Plugin
line from your RT configuration.
Changes you may need to apply if you previously used the extension are described below.
- RT::Extension::QuoteSelection
- RT::Extension::RightsInspector
- RT::Extension::ConfigInDatabase
If you previously used RT::Extension::ConfigInDatabase as an extension, run the etc/upgrade/upgrade-configurations utility after completing all the other upgrade steps from the README. This will migrate your existing configuration to the new core RT tables.
- RT::Extension::CustomRole::Visibility
- RT::Extension::PriorityAsString
If you previously used numbers for priority and would like to continue to do so, you can set the new
option to false. That will disable the new string-based display.We also now hide Final Priority by default, but if you previously used it and would like to continue to do so, you can add this to the Custom CSS section on the Theme editor:
.FinalPriority, .TicketFinalPriority { display: flex; } .priority div.value .current-value { visibility: visible; } .priority div.value .current-value .FinalPriority { display: inline; }
If you would like to now use strings for priority like Low, Medium, High, check the new
configuration option. RT provides a simple default setting that may be sufficient. Set new values if you would like to customize your priority options.If you were previously using the PriorityAsString extension, you no longer need the extension installed. The
> configuration is simplified and consolidated, so check the documentation for details on updating your previous configuration. - RT::Extension::AssetSQL
The configuration option $AssetSQL_HideSimpleSearch is now $AssetHideSimpleSearch. The configuration option $AssetSearchFormat is now $AssetSimpleSearchFormat.
See the configuration documentation in RT_Config.pm for new configuration options added for AssetSQL and the new asset query builder.
- RT::Extension::LifecycleUI
- RT::Extension::REST2
- RT::Authen::Token
If you previously used RT::Authen::Token as an extension, run the etc/upgrade/upgrade-authtokens utility after completing all the other upgrade steps from the README. This will migrate your existing tokens to the new core RT tables.
The extension
was added to core. This adds a new RT dependency on the Perl module Text::WordDiff, so you will be prompted to install this new module if your system doesn't have it.Similar to the note above regarding the Owner field in search results, custom fields in search results also now have inline edit enabled by default, allowing you to change values directly in search results.
For heavy search result pages with many columns display or many rows, page loads may be slower with this inline edit mode enabled. If you don't need to edit custom field values, you can change search result columns from
. That column will then load a view-only field which may improve page load speed.In the self service interface, the "Search Articles" box in the menu bar previously was displayed to users who had the global right "ShowArticle". This is now controlled by a new configuration option
. This new option defaults to off, so if you currently allow self service users to use article search, enable this option to keep the article search box available.System-level saved searches can now be displayed on the RT at a glance page. Previously some users saw errors like:
Either you have no rights to view saved search system-SavedSearch-34 or identifier is incorrect
If you are still seeing that error after updating to RT 5.0.1, edit the page, remove the saved search, save, then add it back again. After saving again, it should appear as expected.
The System Configuration editor (Admin > Tools > System Configuration > Edit) now uses JSON rather than Perl syntax to represent arrays and hashes. Be sure to enter valid JSON if you wish to modify an array- or hash-valued configuration setting.
was shown on the RT login page for users to contact with RT issues, in addition to being the address used to send various errors like email bounces. A new config option$RTSupportEmail
is now used for the login page display, allowing admins to set$OwnerEmail
to a different address if desired, and possibly not display an email address on the login page.If you want to still display your
on the login page, just set$RTSupportEmail
to the same value."RT at a glance" is now a dashboard
"RT at a glance" previously could be customized and was stored as a special configuration used just for the homepage. It is now a dashboard just like other dashboards in RT. With this update, you can now easily change your entire homepage by selecting a different dashboard to be your default homepage. After upgrading, RT at a glance should look the same as it did previously, but there are various changes in how it is managed.
The previous global RT at a glance page is converted to a new System dashboard called "Homepage". Individual users with a custom homepage will see a new dashboard in "My Dashboards" called Homepage. These are regular dashboards now, so the names can be changed if desired.
The gears icon on the homepage now links to a page that displays all available dashboards and users can select their default homepage from the list. To customize, users can create a new dashboard. The privacy of dashboards can be set to an individual user, a group, or system-wide, depending on the user's rights. This makes it easy to set up and share useful homepage configurations.
Users who want to customize their homepage need the rights "ModifySelf", "CreateOwnDashboard", "DeleteOwnDashboard", "ModifyOwnDashboard" and "SeeOwnDashboard". All users who have "ModifySelf" are automatically granted these dashboard rights as part of the upgrade. You can modify these rights as desired if you don't want users to be able to create dashboards.
All users can see the default System dashboard set for RT. If you want to allow users to see other System dashboards, grant the "SeeDashboard" right. This is not done automatically with the upgrade.
For RT admins, Admin > Global > RT at a glance is still available, but instead of loading the page configuration editor, it shows a list of System dashboards that can be set as the default homepage. The RT at a glance option in the user admin page sub-menu also now shows a list of dashboards to set for that user.
This section duplicates upgrading notes for changes included in RT 4.4.5 and RT 5.0.2. These changes are duplicated here for users upgrading from RT 5.0.0 or 5.0.1 who won't run the RT 4.4.5 upgrade.
Privacy Menu in Query Builder
On the Query Builder, the Privacy menu loads groups you are a member of as potential places to save searches. However, it previously did not confirm the current user had the EditSavedSearches right, so you might try to save a search with a group and receive an error until that right was granted.
This has been fixed, so now groups load only if you have rights to create the search via EditSavedSearches on the group or globally. This may change the groups that appear in the Privacy menu, but shouldn't change functionality since users without the correct rights were unable to create searches.
AttachmentListCount Default
configuration option now defaults to 5. To restore the previous configuration and show all attachments, add the following to yourRT_SiteConfig.pm
.Set($AttachmentListCount, undef);
User Timezone and Dates in Ticket Searches
This releases fixes an issue with how "=" in time comparisons in ticket searches applied timezone settings. Previously, dates would be adjusted based on the global RT timezone even if the user had a different timezone. This has been fixed to correctly use the user's timezone.
Note that this change may modify results for some saved searches for users with a different timezone than RT's global setting.
Script to reduce records in CachedGroupMembers
When adding groups to roles on tickets, we have found that caching the members of these added groups in the CachedGroupMembers table makes performance worse rather than improving it. This release includes updates to no longer add these members recursively.
If you use groups in ticket roles, it's likely your CachedGroupMembers table has a large number of now unnecessary records and these can hurt performance. To delete these extra records run the following script:
Depending on how many records your system has, this may take a while to run. After you run this, you may have significantly reduced the number of records in your CachedGroupMembers table, and may need to tell your database to refresh indexes/statistics.
Run Transaction Batch last, even in nested updates
When RT processes scrips, Batch mode scrips should always run last. Previously, with nested updates, inner updates would run batch before all outer updates were complete. One example of this is processing ticket updates, the Basics update calls an inner "atomic" transaction to update Owner, which would cause the unexpected batch run. This has been fixed so batch runs only once for the outermost updates. All transactions performed for that batch are available from the
method as expected.Ambiguous Owner order by option in search replaced with Owner.Name
RT 4.4.5 adds a bunch of new order by and format options for users and roles to the Query Builder. For example, you can order by user fields on a user like Owner.EmailAddress, Owner.RealName, or even Owner.Organization. As part of this change, the previous Owner entry has been renamed to Owner.Name.
The upgrade scripts include a step to make this change in any saved searches in the database automatically. If you have Owner as an order by field in searches stored elsewhere or as a link, you can update to Owner.Name manually.
Default "order by" field for roles in search results
Because of the new options mentioned above, when displaying role information we also set defaults for order by behavior when you click headers on search results to re-sort them. For example, in a list of ticket results, you can click on Requestors to re-sort the results by that field.
Previously this order by used EmailAddress. It now defaults to Name because we believe that is more common for sorting, but because of the new features you can change this in your search Format. For example, you can update the line in the Format section on the Advanced page to look like this:
That column will then specifically show EmailAddress and when you click it will order by EmailAddress.
Fix for Mason cache handling
RT 5.0.2 introduced a new button on the System Configuration page to easily clear the mason cache, and a bug was found related to the updated Mason cache handling. The bug is most evident in extensions like RTIR where some links will stop working correctly. This is because some callbacks would not get correctly re-initialized on fresh page loads. This bug is fixed in this release.
Additional use of bind variables in queries
RT previously used bind variables in most queries, but some classes of queries, like ad-hoc queries generated by the query builder, did not. This could cause performance problems with Oracle, especially systems with very large databases.
RT 5.0.3, along with DBIx::SearchBuilder version 1.70 and newer, uses bind variables for all queries. This should improve performance on Oracle and it may help other databases also. If you were previously using cursor_sharing = FORCE for your RT sessions in Oracle to help cache queries without bind parameters, you can try switching to EXACT and testing performance after upgrading.
Updated defaults for
The previous default value for the configuration option
was '0', meaning that RT did not, by default, set theSecure
option on session cookies. The default for this option has been changed to '1', which will require all users to connect to the RT instance over SSL and will trigger other changes in browser behavior, such as cookie caching.If you are running RT over http without SSL, this will cause problems and you can set your local value back to '0'.
RT previously did not set a
policy for session cookies. How this is handled by browsers varies. RT 5.0.4 introduces the configuration option$WebSameSiteCookies
with a default value of 'Lax', which provides additional defense against CSRF attacks in some browsers. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite for more details on valid values, their meaning, and browser support.Removed dependency on Pod::Select
We no longer depend on the Pod::Select Perl module since it has been deprecated following its removal from the Perl core.
Perl module change to GraphViz2
RT 4.4.6 and earlier use the Perl GraphViz module for interfacing with the graphviz library for generating ticket link graphs. That module has been deprecated so we have replaced it with the GraphViz2 module.
Systems using
will be prompted to install the Perl GraphViz2 module when upgrading.New
option for dashboard emailRT's email dashboard feature tries to send an HTML email that looks as much like the RT dashboard as possible. In doing so, it pulls in a large amount of CSS, creating very large emails. Not all of that CSS is needed, so we have added the new option
to inline the CSS. We have found this reduces the size of the dashboard emails significantly and can help with rendering in some email clients.To use this new feature, you must install the optional Perl module CSS::Inliner, version 4018 or later, then enable the feature in your RT configuration.
ModifyLoginRedirect callback in Logout.html moved
We try hard not to modify callbacks since they are made for external code to reference, but in this case the logic of the page changed and we had to move the callback location so it could correctly modify the URL value, if needed. If you were using this callback to modify the redirect URL on logout, your code will continue to work as intended. However, if you were using this callback for other reasons, you may need to update your code to use the
callback instead.Custom role keys in REST2 ticket endpoints changed
We updated custom role keys from "GroupType" syntax like "RT::CustomRole-1" to "Name" in REST2 ticket endpoints, to be consistent with core roles. We also added a "CustomRoles" entry to cover all custom roles, making it consistent with similar results for "CustomFields".
For example, the GET response of
changes from this:{ ... "RT::CustomRole-1" : [ { "id" : "root", "type" : "user", "_url" : "XX_RT_URL_XX/REST/2.0/user/root" } ], ... }
{ ... "Manager" : [ { "id" : "root", "type" : "user", "_url" : "XX_RT_URL_XX/REST/2.0/user/root" } ], "CustomRoles" : { "Manager" : [ { "id" : "root", "type" : "user", "_url" : "XX_RT_URL_XX/REST/2.0/user/root" } ] }, ... }
We recommend using the "CustomRoles" section because individual top level custom role entries like the "Manager" following "..." in the above example will be removed in the future.
DBD::SQLite Dependency updated to 1.72
We use the wonderful SQLite database for testing, although we don't recommend it for production RT installations. Updates in RT 5.0.4 require a new version of DBD::SQLite and this will be checked during the normal
make testdeps
step on upgrade if it is used based on your configuration. We do not test upgrades on SQLite databases, so if you are using SQLite in some way with your RT, make sure to take backups before upgrading.New search URL shortener
RT will now shorten search URLs by default, so instead of the longer URLs previously seen when using the Query Builder, you will now see a short code in the browser URL bar. This update makes sharing searches much easier and resolves some issues with extremely long search URLs. Any existing search URLs saved as bookmarks should continue to work as normal.
This new feature requires a new table, which is installed automatically as part of the upgrade process. If you prefer not to use shortened URLs, you can disable this new feature by setting
to false.HTML Custom Fields
RT now supports an
type for custom fields, so if you have custom fields containingHTML
, you can update them and switch the type toHTML
to use CKEditor for editing. This is specifically useful for the Content custom field in articles.MySQL 8 now supported
Starting with RT 5.0.4, RT now supports MySQL 8. Note that as part of this upgrade you also need to update the module DBIx::SearchBuilder.
- Update Messages Changed for Consistency
Some parts of RT, notably Bulk Update, previously could show update messages like:
Ticket 123: Ticket 123: Status changed from 'new' to 'open'
This is fixed in RT 5.0.5. As part of this fix, some JSON responses sent for REST 2 operations are also updated. For example, an Article update message is changed:
Old: Article More updates using REST: Name changed from... New: Article 123: Name changed from...
If you have any automation using REST 2 that checks these JSON response messages, you may need to update your system to match the new format.
- Ticket Owner Updates and Notifications
When processing ticket updates, RT previously processed the reply/comment before processing other ticket updates, including owner changes. For RTs configured to send email to some users only when they are the ticket owner, this processing order resulted in new owners not seeing the reply/comment associated with the update that made them the new owner. This could cause confusion, especially if the reply/comment included information specifically addressed to the new owner.
To fix this issue, owner changes are now processed before messages, so new owners will now see the message associated with the change that made them owner.
This will result in new email being sent when it wasn't previously. We believe this fixes the previous incorrect behavior. However, if you relied on this behavior, and don't want the new email, you may need to modify your scrip configurations.
- Spreadsheet (TSV) Download Format
The format of some column headers in spreadsheets (TSV files) downloaded from ticket search results has been updated. Specifically custom fields and custom roles no longer show "CustomField.{}" or "CustomRole.{}" in the header. Also, multi-word headers like "EmailAddress" now have spaces added so the header will appear like "Email Address".
This should make headers more readable, but if you have any automated processes that parse the headers, you will need to update your parsing code.
- Running RT with MariaDB and MySQL 5.7
RT uses the perl module DBD::mysql to connect to MySQL-type databases, and before version 5.001, it worked with older MySQL versions like 5.7, newer versions like 8, and all versions of MariaDB. Starting with DBD::mysql 5.001, it supports only MySQL 8 and newer.
To align with this change, RT's
script now has two new options available for--with-db-type
. To run with MySQL 5.7 or older, usemysql5
. To run with MariaDB, useMariaDB
. These will configure the installer to use an older, compatible version of DBD::mysql.If you install a newer version of DBD::mysql by mistake, you can uninstall it or manually force install a version older than 5.001.
- Unlimited Option in SearchResultsPerPage Configuration
RT 5.0.4 added
as a configuration option to allow admins to control the options presented in the "Rows per page" dropdown in the Query Builder. When it was added, the "Unlimited" option was automatically added to the list of options configured. This prevented admins from removing the "Unlimited" option from the list, so this has been updated in RT 5.0.6 to use the configured options only with no other options added automatically.If you previously set a custom
and you want to keep the "Unlimited" option, update your configuration and add "0" to your list.