RT 5.0.2 Documentation


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  RT::Attachments - a collection of RT::Attachment objects


  use RT::Attachments;


This module should never be called directly by client code. it's an internal module which should only be accessed through exported APIs in Ticket, Queue and other similar objects.



Returns alias for transactions table with applied join condition. Always return the same alias, so if you want to build some complex or recursive joining then you have to create new alias youself.

ContentType (VALUE => 'text/plain', ENTRYAGGREGATOR => 'OR', OPERATOR => '=' )

Limit result set to attachments of ContentType 'TYPE'...

ChildrenOf ID

Limit result set to children of Attachment ID


Limit result set to attachments with not empty content.


Limit result set to attachments with not empty filename.

LimitByTicket $ticket_id

Limit result set to attachments of a ticket.

ReplaceAttachments ( Search => 'SEARCH', Replacement => 'Replacement', Header => 1, Content => 1 )

Provide a search string to search the attachments table for, by default the Headers and Content columns will both be searched for matches.

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