RT 5.0.1 Documentation


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UPGRADING FROM RT 4.4.0 and greater

The 5.0 release is a major upgrade and as such there are more changes than in a minor bugfix release (e.g., 4.4.0 to 4.4.1) and some of these changes are backward-incompatible. The following lists some of the notable changes, especially those that might require you to change a configuration option or other setting due to a change in RT. Read this section carefully before you upgrade and look for changes to features you currently use.

See devel/docs/UPGRADING-5.0 for internals changes relevant to extension writers, including deprecated code.

Upgrading Recommendations

RT now defaults to a database name of rt5 and an installation root of /opt/rt5.

If you are upgrading, you will likely want to specify that your database is still named rt4 or even rt3. Alternatively, you could import a backup of your database as rt5 to conform to the new default, although this isn't required.

Upgrading to RT 5 over an existing RT 4 installation (/opt/rt4) is not recommended and will almost certainly cause issues. Instead, do a fresh install into /opt/rt5 (or your custom location) for the code portion of the upgrade. Then import your existing database and run the database upgrade steps using make upgrade-database.

We recommend this approach because of the large number of changes to the code base for this major release. We moved some things to new locations and old files are not removed as part of the upgrade process. These old files will still be detected by RT in some cases and will cause issues.

Installing a fresh code base will also allow you to evaluate your local modifications and configuration changes as you migrate to 5.0. If you have changes made directly to the RT code, it's a good time to look at the hooks RT provides for custom code in extensions or in the local directory. See docs/writing_extensions.pod for more information.

Database Changes

Notable Changes

Extensions Integrated into RT 5

The following extensions are now part of RT 5. If you previously used any as an extension, you no longer need the extension after upgrading and can remove the Plugin line from your RT configuration.

Changes you may need to apply if you previously used the extension are described below.


If you previously used RT::Extension::ConfigInDatabase as an extension, run the etc/upgrade/upgrade-configurations utility after completing all the other upgrade steps from the README. This will migrate your existing configuration to the new core RT tables.


If you previously used numbers for priority and would like to continue to do so, you can set the new $EnablePriorityAsString option to false. That will disable the new string-based display.

If you would like to now use strings for priority like Low, Medium, High, check the new %PriorityAsString configuration option. RT provides a simple default setting that may be sufficient. Set new values if you would like to customize your priority options.

If you were previously using the PriorityAsString extension, you no longer need the extension installed. The %PriorityAsString> configuration is simplified and consolidated, so check the documentation for details on updating your previous configuration.


The configuration option $AssetSQL_HideSimpleSearch is now $AssetHideSimpleSearch. The configuration option $AssetSearchFormat is now $AssetSimpleSearchFormat.

See the configuration documentation in RT_Config.pm for new configuration options added for AssetSQL and the new asset query builder.


If you previously used RT::Authen::Token as an extension, run the etc/upgrade/upgrade-authtokens utility after completing all the other upgrade steps from the README. This will migrate your existing tokens to the new core RT tables.


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