RT 4.4.3 Documentation
RT::Catalog - A logical set of assets
Catalogs are for assets what queues are for tickets or classes are for articles.
It announces the rights for assets, and rights are granted at the catalog or global level. Asset custom fields are either applied globally to all Catalogs or individually to specific Catalogs.
- id
- Name
Limited to 255 characters.
- Description
Limited to 255 characters.
- Lifecycle
- Disabled
- Creator
- Created
- LastUpdatedBy
- LastUpdated
All of these are readable through methods of the same name and mutable through methods of the same name with Set
prefixed. The last four are automatically managed.
Load ID or NAME
Loads the specified Catalog into the current object.
Create takes a hash of values and creates a row in the database. Available keys are:
- Name
- Description
- Lifecycle
- HeldBy, Contact
A single principal ID or array ref of principal IDs to add as members of the respective role groups for the new catalog.
User Names and EmailAddresses may also be used, but Groups must be referenced by ID.
- Disabled
Returns a tuple of (status, msg) on failure and (id, msg, non-fatal errors) on success, where the third value is an array reference of errors that occurred but didn't prevent creation.
ValidateName NAME
Requires that Names contain at least one non-digit and doesn't already exist.
Catalogs may not be deleted. Always returns failure.
You should disable the catalog instead using $catalog->SetDisabled(1)
Returns true if the current user can see the catalog via the ShowCatalog or AdminCatalog rights.
Returns an RT::User object for this catalog's Owner role group. On error, returns undef.
Returns an RT::Group object for this catalog's HeldBy role group. The object may be unloaded if permissions aren't satisfied.
Returns an RT::Group object for this catalog's Contact role group. The object may be unloaded if permissions aren't satisfied.
Checks AdminCatalog before calling "_AddRoleMember" in RT::Record::Role::Roles.
Checks AdminCatalog before calling "_DeleteRoleMember" in RT::Record::Role::Roles.
An ACL'd version of "_RoleGroup" in RT::Record::Role::Roles. Checks ShowCatalog.
Returns an RT::CustomFields object containing all global and catalog-specific asset custom fields.
Takes zero or one arguments.
If a true argument is provided, marks any Catalog caches as needing an update. This happens when catalogs are created, disabled/enabled, or modified. Returns nothing.
If no arguments are provided, returns an epoch time that any catalog caches should be newer than.
May be called as a class or object method.
Documented for internal use only, do not call these from outside RT::Catalog itself.
Checks if the current user can AdminCatalog before calling SUPER::_Set
and records a transaction against this object if SUPER::_Set
was successful.
Checks "CurrentUserCanSee" before calling SUPER::_Value