RT 4.4.1 Documentation
See devel/docs/UPGRADING-4.0 for internals changes relevant to extension writers. The following is tailored to RT administrators:
Common issues
RT now defaults to a database name of rt4 and an installation root of /opt/rt4.
If you are upgrading, you will likely want to specify that your database is still named rt3 (or import a backup of your database as rt4 so that you can feel more confident making the upgrade).
You really shouldn't install RT4 into your RT3 source tree (/opt/rt3) and instead should be using make install to set up a clean environment. This will allow you to evaluate your local modifications and configuration changes as you migrate to 4.0.
If you choose to force RT to install into /opt/rt3, or another existing RT 3.x install location, you will encounter issues because we removed the _Overlay files (such as Ticket_Overlay.pm) and relocated other files. You will need to manually remove these files after the upgrade or RT will fail. After making a complete backup of your /opt/rt3 install, you might use a command like the following to remove the _Overlay files:
find /opt/rt3/lib/ -type f -name '*_Overlay*' -delete
RT has also changed how web deployment works; you will need to review docs/web_deployment.pod for current instructions. The old `fastcgi_server`, `webmux.pl`, and `mason_handler.*` files will not work with RT 4.0, and should be removed to reduce confusion.
If you deploy RT with mod_perl, Apache will no longer start with SetHandler
set to `perl-script`. docs/web_deployment.pod contains the new configuration.
RT::Extension::CustomField::Checkbox has been integrated into core, so you MUST uninstall it before upgrading. In addition, you must run /opt/rt4/etc/upgrade/4.0-customfield-checkbox-extension script to convert old data.
You will need to carefully review your local settings when moving from 3.8 to 4.0.
If you were adding your own custom statuses in earlier versions of RT, using ActiveStatus or InactiveStatus you will need to port these to use the new Lifecycles functionality. You can read more about it in RT_Config.pm. In most cases, you can do this by extending the default active and inactive lists.
Upgrading sessions on MySQL
In 4.0.0rc2, RT began shipping an updated schema for the sesions table that specificies a character set as well as making the table InnoDB. As part of the upgrade process, your sessions table will be dropped and recreated with the new schema.
Upgrading from installs with RTFM
RT4 now includes an Articles functionality, merged from RTFM. You should not install and enable the RT::FM plugin separately on RT 4. If you have existing data in RTFM, you can use the /opt/rt4/etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles script to upgrade that data.
When running normal upgrade scripts, RT will warn if it finds existing RTFM tables that contain data and point you to the upgrade-articles script.
This script should be run from your RT tarball. It will immediately begin populating your new RT4 tables with data from RTFM. If you have browsed in the RT4 UI and created new classes and articles, this script will fail spectacularly. Do *not* run this except on a fresh upgrade of RT.
You can run this as
It will ouput a lot of data about what it is changing. You should review this for errors.
If you are running RTFM 2.0 with a release of RT, there isn't currently an upgrade script that can port RTFM's internal CustomField and Transaction data to RT4.
You must also remove RT::FM from your @Plugins line in RT_SiteConfig.pm.
The "Rights Delegation" and "Personal Groups" features have been removed.
Replace the following code in templates:
[{$Ticket->QueueObj->SubjectTag || $rtname} #{$Ticket->id}]
{ $Ticket->SubjectTag }
Unique names are now enforced for user defined groups. New groups cannot be created with a duplicate name and existing groups cannot be renamed to an in-use name. The admin interface will warn about existing groups with duplicate names. Although the groups will still function, some parts of the interface (rights management, subgroup membership) may not work as expected with duplicate names. Running
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-validator --check
will report duplicate group names, and running it with --resolve will fix duplicates by appending the group id to the name.
Nota Bene: As a result of differing indexes in the schema files, Postgres and SQLite RT databases have enforced group name uniqueness for many years at the database level.
Ticket content searches (full text search)
Since 4.0.0, RT's ticket content search is disabled by default because of performance issues when used without full text indexing. For details on how to re-enable it with (or without) full text indexing, see docs/full_text_indexing.pod.
Schema updates
The fix for an attribute truncation bug on MySQL requires a small ALTER TABLE. Be sure you run `make upgrade-database` to apply this change automatically. The bug primarily manifested when uploading large logos in the theme editor on MySQL. Refer to etc/upgrade/4.0.6/schema.mysql for the actual ALTER TABLE that will be run.
Query Builder
The web-based query builder now uses Queue limits to restrict the set of displayed statuses and owners. As part of this change, the %cfqueues parameter was renamed to %Queues; if you have local modifications to any of the following Mason templates, this feature will not function correctly:
Data upgrades
Previously, the default lifecycle was stored in Queues.Lifecycle as NULL. To simplify code, RT now stores the string 'default' to match the name of the Lifecycle.
The 3.9.2 upgrade step removed all enabled Personal Groups, but missed any disabled groups. We catch and clean up the disabled Personal groups during the 4.0.9 upgrade step.
Javascript Changes
If you have set a custom @JSFiles in RT_SiteConfig.pm, you will need to amend this to include the new jquery.cookie.js file added to RT_Config.pm. If you are using an extension that requires manually tweaking @JSFiles, please contact the developer and ask them to use RT->AddJavaScript in their extension to avoid these upgrade problems.
If you have @JSFiles set in your RT_SiteConfig.pm but it appears to be the same as RT_Config.pm (no local js files added) you can safely remove the whole setting from RT_SiteConfig.pm and allow our default to be used.
Data Upgrades
Previous versions of RT allowed you to create Tickets with a Type of 'Ticket', 'Approval' or 'Reminder' instead of the correct 'ticket'. Existing Types are updated in the database and the RT API now corrects these types before insertion.
Site-specific custom types (anything but ticket, reminder or approval) are not affected by these changes.
Outgoing mail From: header
The "Default" key of the $OverrideOutgoingMailFrom
config option now, as previously documented, only applies when no ticket is involved. Previously it was also used when a ticket was involved but the associated queue had no specific correspond address. In such cases the global correspond address is now used.
The config option $SetOutgoingMailFrom
now accepts an email address as a value which will act as a global default. This covers the simple case of sending all bounces to a specific address, without the previous solution of resorting to defining all queues in $OverrideOutgoingMailFrom. Any definitions in the Override option (including Default) still take precedence. See "$SetOutgoingMailFrom" in RT_Config for more information.
Reminder statuses
New reminders are now created in the "reminder_on_open" status defined in your lifecycles. For the default lifecycle, this means reminders will start as "open" instead of "new". This change is for consistency when a completed reminder is reopened at a later date. If you use custom lifecycles and added further transition restrictions, you may need to adjust the "reminder_on_open" setting in your lifecycles.
Previously, the list of Bookmarks on your homepage was unlimited (if you had 100 bookmarked tickets, you would see a 100 item list on your RT at a Glance). 'Bookmarked Tickets' now uses the same size limits as any other search on your homepage. This can be customized using the 'Rows per box' setting on your RT at a Glance configuration page.
PostgreSQL 9.2
If you are upgrading an RT from 3.8 (or earlier) to 4.0 on PostgreSQL 9.2, you should make sure that you have installed DBD::Pg 2.19.3 or higher. If you start your upgrade without installing a recent-enough version of DBD::Pg RT will stop the upgrade during the 3.9.8 step and remind you to upgrade DBD::Pg. If this happens, you can re-start your upgrade by running:
/opt/rt4/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datadir etc/upgrade/3.9.8/
Followed by re-running make upgrade-database and answering 3.9.8 when prompted for which RT version you're upgrading from.
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