RT 4.2.5 Documentation


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rt-email-group-admin - Command line tool for administrating NotifyGroup actions


    rt-email-group-admin --list
    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify foo team' --group Foo
    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify foo team as comment' --comment --group Foo
    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify group Foo and Bar' --group Foo --group Bar
    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify user foo@bar.com' --user foo@bar.com
    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify VIPs' --user vip1@bar.com
    rt-email-group-admin --add 'Notify VIPs' --user vip2@bar.com --group vip1 --user vip3@foo.com
    rt-email-group-admin --rename 'Notify VIPs' --newname 'Inform VIPs'
    rt-email-group-admin --switch 'Notify VIPs'
    rt-email-group-admin --delete 'Notify user foo@bar.com'


This script list, create, modify or delete scrip actions in the RT DB. Once you've created an action you can use it in a scrip.

For example you can create the following action using this script:

    rt-email-group-admin --create 'Notify developers' --group 'Development Team'

Then you can add the followoing scrip to your Bugs queue:

    Condition: On Create
    Action:    Notify developers
    Template:  Transaction
    Stage:     TransactionCreate

Your development team will be notified on every new ticket in the queue.


rt-email-group-admin --COMMAND ARGS



Lists actions and its descriptions.

create NAME [--comment] [--group GNAME] [--user NAME-OR-EMAIL]

Creates new action with NAME and adds users and/or groups to its recipient list. Would be notify as comment if --comment specified. The user, if specified, will be autocreated if necessary.

add NAME [--group GNAME] [--user NAME-OR-EMAIL]

Adds groups and/or users to recipients of the action NAME. The user, if specified, will be autocreated if necessary.

delete NAME

Deletes action NAME if scrips doesn't use it.

switch NAME

Switch action NAME from notify as correspondence to comment and back.

rename NAME --newname NEWNAME

Renames action NAME to NEWNAME.


If command has option --group or --user then you can use it more then once, if other is not specified.


Ruslan U. Zakirov <ruz@bestpractical.com>


RT::Action::NotifyGroup, RT::Action::NotifyGroupAsComment

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