RT 4.2.5 Documentation


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Reminders can be attached to a ticket to notify you take some action on the ticket. Although there are fields like "Due" on tickets, some tickets have dependencies or sub-tasks that need to be completed before you can do the ticket. For a "Deploy New Certificate" ticket, for example, you may need to remind yourself to order the new cert first.

Reminders are sort of mini-tickets and in fact they are implemented as tickets themselves.

Each Reminder has:

Creating a Reminder

Reminders are attached to tickets, so you create them in the Reminders section of the ticket display. Once you give it an Owner and a Due date, the Reminder will appear on the Owner's "At-a-glance" page by default.

If you don't see reminders, it may be turned off. Display of reminders can be disabled with the $EnableReminders flag in RT_SiteConfig.pm. By default, reminders are turned on.

Email Reminders

While seeing reminders in the web display is handy, you may also want to send out email based on reminders that are due or are soon to be due. You can use the rt-crontool utility to schedule a job to send these emails for you.

To schedule the reminders, add a line like the following to your RT crontab:

    0 6 * * * root /opt/rt4/bin/rt-crontool \
                   --search RT::Search::FromSQL \
                   --search-arg 'Type = "reminder" and (Status = "open" or Status = "new")' \
                   --condition RT::Condition::BeforeDue \
                   --condition-arg 2d \
                   --action RT::Action::Notify \
                   --action-arg Owner,AlwaysNotifyActor \
                   --transaction first \
                   --template 'Reminder'

If you have modified the status values for reminders such that you have more active statuses than "open" and "new" you should add them as part of your "FromSQL" query. You typically won't want to send out email on "resolved" reminders, but you could add that to the query as well.

The argument to RT::Condition::BeforeDue is an amount of time in the form "1d2h3m4s" for 1 day and 2 hours and 3 minutes and 4 seconds. As shown in the example, single values can also be passed. The run frequency in your crontab should be consistent with the time period you set to avoid missing reminders.

The template value refers to a Template in your RT system. You can use the default Reminder template or create your own in Admin > Global > Templates > Create. You can look at the default template for examples of the values you can use to populate the email.

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