RT 4.0.24 Documentation
- AddRights RIGHT, DESCRIPTION [, ...]
- AvailableRights
- RightCategories
- AddRightCategories RIGHT, CATEGORY [, ...]
- SelfDescription
- Load ID
- LoadUserDefinedGroup NAME
- LoadACLEquivalenceGroup PRINCIPAL
- LoadSystemInternalGroup NAME
- LoadTicketRoleGroup { Ticket => TICKET_ID, Type => TYPE }
- LoadQueueRoleGroup { Queue => Queue_ID, Type => TYPE }
- LoadSystemRoleGroup Type
- Create
- _Create
- CreateUserDefinedGroup { Name => "name", Description => "Description"}
- ValidateName VALUE
- _ValidateUserDefinedName VALUE
- _CreateACLEquivalenceGroup { Principal }
- CreateRoleGroup { Domain => DOMAIN, Type => TYPE, Instance => ID }
- Delete
- SetDisabled BOOL
- DeepMembersObj
- MembersObj
- GroupMembersObj [Recursively => 1]
- UserMembersObj
- MemberEmailAddresses
- MemberEmailAddressesAsString
- HasMember RT::Principal|id
- HasMemberRecursively RT::Principal|id
- DeleteMember PRINCIPAL_ID
- CurrentUserHasRight RIGHTNAME
- CurrentUserCanSee
- PrincipalObj
- PrincipalId
RT::Group - RT's group object
use RT::Group; my $group = RT::Group->new($CurrentUser);
An RT group object.
AddRights RIGHT
[, ...]
Adds the given rights to the list of possible rights. This method should be called during server startup, not at runtime.
Returns a hash of available rights for this object. The keys are the right names and the values are a description of what the rights do
Returns a hashref where the keys are rights for this type of object and the values are the category (General, Staff, Admin) the right falls into.
AddRightCategories RIGHT
[, ...]
Adds the given right and category pairs to the list of right categories. This method should be called during server startup, not at runtime.
Returns a user-readable description of what this group is for and what it's named.
Load ID
Load a group object from the database. Takes a single argument. If the argument is numerical, load by the column 'id'. Otherwise, complain and return.
LoadUserDefinedGroup NAME
Loads a system group from the database. The only argument is the group's name.
LoadACLEquivalenceGroup PRINCIPAL
Loads a user's acl equivalence group. Takes a principal object or its ID. ACL equivalnce groups are used to simplify the acl system. Each user has one group that only he is a member of. Rights granted to the user are actually granted to that group. This greatly simplifies ACL checks. While this results in a somewhat more complex setup when creating users and granting ACLs, it _greatly_ simplifies acl checks.
LoadSystemInternalGroup NAME
Loads a Pseudo group from the database. The only argument is the group's name.
LoadTicketRoleGroup { Ticket => TICKET_ID, Type => TYPE }
Loads a ticket group from the database.
Takes a param hash with 2 parameters:
Ticket is the TicketId we're curious about
Type is the type of Group we're trying to load:
Requestor, Cc, AdminCc, Owner
LoadQueueRoleGroup { Queue => Queue_ID, Type => TYPE }
Loads a Queue group from the database.
Takes a param hash with 2 parameters:
Queue is the QueueId we're curious about
Type is the type of Group we're trying to load:
Requestor, Cc, AdminCc, Owner
LoadSystemRoleGroup Type
Loads a System group from the database.
Takes a single param: Type
Type is the type of Group we're trying to load:
Requestor, Cc, AdminCc, Owner
You need to specify what sort of group you're creating by calling one of the other Create_____ routines.
Takes a paramhash with named arguments: Name, Description.
Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed
CreateUserDefinedGroup { Name => "name", Description => "Description"}
A helper subroutine which creates a system group
Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed
ValidateName VALUE
Enforces unique user defined group names when updating
_ValidateUserDefinedName VALUE
Returns true if the user defined group name isn't in use, false otherwise.
_CreateACLEquivalenceGroup { Principal }
A helper subroutine which creates a group containing only an individual user. This gets used by the ACL system to check rights. Yes, it denormalizes the data, but that's ok, as we totally win on performance.
Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed
CreateRoleGroup { Domain => DOMAIN, Type => TYPE, Instance => ID }
A helper subroutine which creates a ticket group. (What RT 2.0 called Ticket watchers) Type is one of ( "Requestor" || "Cc" || "AdminCc" || "Owner") Domain is one of (RT::Ticket-Role || RT::Queue-Role || RT::System-Role) Instance is the id of the ticket or queue in question
This routine expects to be called from {Ticket||Queue}->CreateTicketGroups _inside of a transaction_
Returns a tuple of (Id, Message). If id is 0, the create failed
Delete this object
SetDisabled BOOL
If passed a positive value, this group will be disabled. No rights it commutes or grants will be honored. It will not appear in most group listings.
This routine finds all the cached group members that are members of this group (recursively) and disables them.
Returns an RT::CachedGroupMembers object of this group's members, including all members of subgroups.
Returns an RT::GroupMembers object of this group's direct members.
GroupMembersObj [Recursively => 1]
Returns an RT::Groups object of this group's members. By default returns groups including all subgroups, but could be changed with Recursively
named argument.
Note that groups are not filtered by type and result may contain as well system groups and others.
Returns an RT::Users object of this group's members, by default returns users including all members of subgroups, but could be changed with Recursively
named argument.
Returns an array of the email addresses of all of this group's members
Returns a comma delimited string of the email addresses of all users who are members of this group.
AddMember adds a principal to this group. It takes a single principal id. Returns a two value array. the first value is true on successful addition or 0 on failure. The second value is a textual status msg.
HasMember RT::Principal|id
Takes an RT::Principal object or its id returns a GroupMember Id if that user is a member of this group. Returns undef if the user isn't a member of the group or if the current user doesn't have permission to find out. Arguably, it should differentiate between ACL failure and non membership.
HasMemberRecursively RT::Principal|id
Takes an RT::Principal object or its id and returns true if that user is a member of this group. Returns undef if the user isn't a member of the group or if the current user doesn't have permission to find out. Arguably, it should differentiate between ACL failure and non membership.
Takes the principal id of a current user or group. If the current user has apropriate rights, removes that GroupMember from this group. Returns a two value array. the first value is true on successful addition or 0 on failure. The second value is a textual status msg.
CurrentUserHasRight RIGHTNAME
Returns true if the current user has the specified right for this group.
TODO: we don't deal with membership visibility yet
Always returns 1; unfortunately, for historical reasons, users have always been able to examine groups they have indirect access to, even if they do not have SeeGroup explicitly.
Returns the principal object for this user. returns an empty RT::Principal if there's no principal object matching this user. The response is cached. PrincipalObj should never ever change.
Returns this user's PrincipalId
Jesse Vincent, jesse@bestpractical.com
Returns the current value of id. (In the database, id is stored as int(11).)
Returns the current value of Name. (In the database, Name is stored as varchar(200).)
Set Name to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Name will be stored as a varchar(200).)
Returns the current value of Description. (In the database, Description is stored as varchar(255).)
SetDescription VALUE
Set Description to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Description will be stored as a varchar(255).)
Returns the current value of Domain. (In the database, Domain is stored as varchar(64).)
SetDomain VALUE
Set Domain to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Domain will be stored as a varchar(64).)
Returns the current value of Type. (In the database, Type is stored as varchar(64).)
Set Type to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Type will be stored as a varchar(64).)
Returns the current value of Instance. (In the database, Instance is stored as int(11).)
SetInstance VALUE
Set Instance to VALUE. Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on failure. (In the database, Instance will be stored as a int(11).)
Returns the current value of Creator. (In the database, Creator is stored as int(11).)
Returns the current value of Created. (In the database, Created is stored as datetime.)
Returns the current value of LastUpdatedBy. (In the database, LastUpdatedBy is stored as int(11).)
Returns the current value of LastUpdated. (In the database, LastUpdated is stored as datetime.)
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