RTIR: RT for Incident Response

RTIR 5.0.3 Release Notes

RTIR 5.0.3beta1 - 2022-06-14

RTIR 5.0.3beta1 is now available for testing. The list of changes
included with this release is below.

Note that there was no 5.0.2 public release.


SHA-256 sums

7376398341c61dfcb84c2fa294dbca1e9c55efe1f13a91015580d069efef527b  RT-IR-5.0.3beta1.tar.gz
cc168e800df95e4f6d34963b5f9f7445276592c9c21681566aa29553d1345567  RT-IR-5.0.3beta1.tar.gz.asc

General Updates and Fixes

* Migrate RTIR homepage to dashboard
* Update ticket search value quoting to align with new RT search options
* Support to hide unset fields on display pages
* Remove the yellow border in warning message box
* Add UPGRADING note about the change to dashboard RTIR homepage
* Support to configure RTIR homepage globally
* Add UPGRADING note about the global "RTIR at a glance" configuration page
* Add tooltip to select incident text input if it's below the label
* Skip default "Content" custom field when inserting articles from "Templates"
* Replace discontinued Security Focus feed with Full Disclosure
* Document deselecting the Content CF
* Extract IP from more attachments if main content doesn't have any.
* Allow users to comment on Incidents when resolving
* Add the missing "?" delimiter for "New ..." menu links on FromIncident page
* Add Custom Field "CVE ID" to keep track of CVE
* Add CVE widget to show info from nvd.nist.gov
* Extract CVE IDs from content
* Add upgrading notes for CVE ID
* Add ticket id info to "Back to ..." search page menus
* Migrate plain checkboxes to bootstrap's custom-checkbox for consistency
* Make ticket updates atomic on edit page
* Document atomic change in Upgrading doc
* Update TimeWorked for incident only on incident reply/resolve pages
* Document changes to message and time processing


* Add maps from default to/from RTIR lifecycles
* Update tests for the migration of Homepage => dashboard
* Add callbacks to the feed listing and display pages
* Add necessary callbacks for MandatoryOnTransition
* Load queue object in GetRTIRDefaultQueue to make sure it's valid and visible
* Add tests for default RTIR queue rights check
* Add EndOfBasics callback to ticket display pages
* Test IP extraction from more attachments
* Test CVE ID extraction
* Call ProcessUpdateMessage first to update TimeWorked on incident display page

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
    git log 5.0.1..5.0.3beta1
or visiting