RTIR: RT for Incident Response
RTIR 2.4.5 Release Notes
RTIR 2.4.5 - 2010-11-04
RTIR 2.6.0 on it's way, however, for those who are not going to upgrade
to 2.6 really soon RTIR 2.4.5 is available for download.
This is mostly a cleanup release. We slightly changed how ScriptedActions
work and wrote how to make RT's SubjectTag feature work properly in RTIR
templates. Consult with changelog for details.
SHA sums:
f4313ffd58f9aabe79f0cc01d1ddec6a7cd7f0b6 RT-IR-2.4.5.tar.gz
e5d948fcd989b53954a8a51ddab8380a1c3d8b5b RT-IR-2.4.5.tar.gz.sig
* Respect per queue SubjectTag in templates. Read UPGRADING for
upgrade instructions.
* In ScriptedActions add requestor when we call Create instead
of delaying it, so "on create" scrips notify requestors
* Updated sample WHOIS servers
* CSS to clean up the RTIR home page a bit