RT: Request Tracker

RT 4.4.6 Release Notes

RT 4.4.6beta1 -- 2022-06-14

RT 4.4.6beta1 is now available for testing. The list of changes
included with this release is below.


SHA-256 sums

45aabe3bfb5633ad1e22b603c5f12e6b78c9aa797d8b2f8aebd956187ed425e5  rt-4.4.6beta1.tar.gz
1ec344ecb5d01261b9583947a4d51b6a39fe0263337ba9abc969a9991ce87388  rt-4.4.6beta1.tar.gz.asc

General user features

* Add a message and link to the new GnuPG key trust admin page
* Update user admin menu to just Keys
* Convert datetime cf values to user timezone on ticket clone
* Search Name/Summary case insensitively for SelfService article search
* Group custom field values by category
* Fix the bug that transaction cfs can not be saved on queue default values page
* Check email of custom role members on ticket create
* Improve checking of CustomFieldValue SortOrder
* Improve "not a unique value" error messages to show more hints
* Validate "unique values" custom fields correctly on web create
* Improve recognition of urlified subject tags
* Support different custom field groupings at category level


* Add --no-auto-commit option for rt-importer
* Add Article and Asset counts to RT Size
* Add index on ObjectCustomFields.ObjectId
* In rt-shredder CLI tool, make setting sqldump actually work (thanks, grifferz!)
* Suppress warnings with rt-fulltext-indexer --quiet
* Exit success if rt-fulltext-indexer is running
* Add --log support in RT::Interface::CLI
* Explicitly set SSL_verify_mode in mailgate
* In rt-importer, put all dependencies of current object to the head of stack
  to reduce memory usage
* Support to sync Disabled field for groups in LDAP import
* When shredding users, only replace fields that match the to-be-wiped user
* Replace obsolete AC_HELP_STRING with supported AS_HELP_STRING
* Removed unused Revision macro
* RT 3 is EOL so no one should be configuring an rt3 group
* RT 4 and later do not support modperl 1, remove the option


* Document the "quiet" option of rt-importer
* Update docs for rt-fulltext-indexer --quiet
* Add docs on mason cache fix
* Fix incorrect internal doc link
* Fix typo in %CustomFieldGroupings config doc
* Document the "Disabled" field mapping for ldap-import


* Reduce code duplication of checking formats of CustomFieldGroupings
* Update cf groupings tests for code duplication cleanup
* Failing tests for lifecycles without SeeQueue
* Walk around ACLs when working with lifecycles to avoid incorrect use
  of the default lifecycle
* Update tests as now user could modify status without SeeQueue
* Update the removed call of RT::Ticket::DueAsString in docs
* Remove obsolete "error" and "warning" methods in rt-fulltext-indexer
* Add test setting select CF to a value not in values list
* Support to canonicalize select values
* Validate cf values in advance before really adding them
* Set values for select CFs used in tests
* Add CF values on user create
* Drop the harmful extra canonicalization code as HasEntry canonicalizes too
* Test datetime cfs edits on ticket clone and edit pages
* Update tests for the default order change of custom field values
* Update EmailAddress index to case insensitive for Pg
* Test queue default values page
* Store mason cache created time in mason interpreter
* Clear callback cache too when mason cache is cleared
* Use mason's remove_object_files instead of implementing it ourselves
* Test "Clear Mason Cache" functionality
* Test user/group Disabled field in LDAP import
* In shredder, avoid duplicated single member group resolvers
* Add multiple db connection tests mainly for Oracle
* In dashboards, pass user object to ShowUser* elements
* Test shredder for user that owns multiple tickets
* Abstract methods to get/set/reset current interface and use them accordingly
* Add tests for current interface
* Update tests for the new canonicalized format of CustomFieldGroupings
* Add tests for queue level cf groupings
* Move query-builder related tests to its own test file
* Test validation of "unique values" custom fields on web UI
* Refactor custom field loop code to make it happy on perl prior to 5.22
* Optionally load RT::Authen::ExternalAuth in case Net::LDAP is not installed
* Make sure to not redirect for logout direct response tests
* In CF grouping, return record class in scalar context for backward compatibility,
  specifically with RTIR
* Correctly handle custom field groupings on queue default values page
* Test custom field groupings on queue default values page
* Make RT happy with perl 5.36

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
    git log rt-4.4.5..rt-4.4.6beta1
or visiting