RT: Request Tracker

RT 4.4.2 Release Notes

RT 4.4.2rc1 -- 2017-06-01

We're pleased to announce the availability of the first release candidate for
RT 4.4.2. This release addresses many issues and adds several minor new
features. A complete list of improvements follows.

We have redesigned how time worked is calculated per user and for
children tickets. As always please be sure to review the UPGRADING-4.4


SHA-256 sums

08b35701234bba170e24114fed8488f47ac723f44e1f161c12483c40607453c3  rt-4.4.2rc1.tar.gz
ca5fd5c069dae9f205824f0321726272b69b5d9844b7597005db871912a59db1  rt-4.4.2rc1.tar.gz.asc

 - Shawn M Moore, for Best Practical

New features
  * Custom fields now have a "New values must be unique" option.

  * Custom fields now support value canonicalization (for example,
    automatically changing input values to be all uppercase). See the
    @CustomFieldValuesCanonicalizers config option.

  * Ticket timers provide a comment box for quickly adding ticket comments
    to describe your time worked.

  * You can now set up default values for assets on a catalog level.

  * You can choose to display result counts on ticket search portlets using
    the new $ShowSearchResultCount config setting.

  * There is now a "Load all history" link for the "as you scroll" history
    loading mode, to allow you to use browser-based text search.

  * We now display a list of recently-viewed tickets in the
    Search -> Tickets -> Recently Viewed menu.

  * We have made RT::Extension::AdminConditionsAndActions part of core
    RT, so you can now easily configure the conditions and actions of
    your scrips right within the admin UI.

General user UI
  * Avoid breaking sorting of non-ticket searches in dashboards
  * Avoid duplicate one-time recipients (I#31938, I#31939)
  * Suppress ticket Ccs and AdminCcs from one-time recipients
  * Allow ordering assets with "CustomField.Foo" syntax
  * Avoid divide-by-zero in charts with no data (I#32143)
  * Add ability to link multiple assets to a new ticket from asset bulk
  * Add quick asset create portlet for user summary
  * Add encrypt/sign controls to ticket forward page
  * Fix browser-based search navigation link generation (I#32197)
  * Remove self-service password change form under ExternalAuth
  * Respect SetInitialCustomField right in self-service (I#32233)
  * Declare page as being in user's language for browser spellcheck (I#32082)
  * Fix error with merge tickets being used on bulk update (I#32237)
  * Avoid overaggressively generating external attachment links
  * Add $HideOneTimeSuggestions config to hide one-time recipient
    addresses behind a click
  * Add "All recipients" checkboxes to modify people page and one-time
    recipients on update
  * Dashboards are now displayed in alphabetically-sorted order
  * Remove dashboard from menu if it can't be loaded (I#29719)
  * Avoid wrapping one-time recipient checkbox separately from its
    label (I#32117)
  * Use only top-level attachments for generating one-time recipient lists
    to avoid e.g. phishing addresses
  * Fix accidental usage of server timezone for end users (I#32315)
  * Add user preference for browser context menu instead of
    CKEditor's, for native spellcheck (#32274)
  * QuickCreate on a dashboard no longer sends you to the homepage (I#25573)
  * Respect HideTimeFieldsFromUnprivilegedUsers in correspond
    transactions with time worked
  * Fix occasionally-missing background-color for comments
  * Add a Timer column to search results for launching ticket timer
  * Fix error preventing merging tickets with lazily-created watcher
    groups (I#32490)
  * Add a __CurrentUserName__ TicketSQL placeholder
  * You can now search tickets using Queue LIKE '…' and Queue NOT LIKE '…'
  * Make "Show all" link for attachment lists more prominent (I#32459)
  * Respect SetInitialCustomField for multi-valued CFs (I#32491)
  * Fix bulk update for asset custom fields (I#32509)
  * Add support for CF grouping in asset bulk update (#32198)
  * Add "reattach" as an attachment warning keyword
  * Sort one-time recipient addresses (I#31879)
  * Fix article quicksearch degrading the article menu (#31591)
  * Avoid noisy "CF changed from 0 to 0" messages (I#32440)
  * Avoid showing a truncated list of articles due to permissions (I#31989)
  * Avoid double-encoded text attachments loaded from ExternalStorage
  * You can now chart tickets by SLA (I#31824)
  * Add "Show all" button for attachments on ticket forward page
  * Relabel "Password" portlet on user page to "Access control" (I#31379)
  * Fix UI for bulk update of "List"-type select-multiple CFs (I#32562)
  * Avoid discarding checkbox changes in Recipients panel (I#32290)
  * Clean up article custom fields display (I#32641)
  * Add SLA field to bulk update if any queues have SLA enabled
  * Include the new Request Tracker logo
  * Fix overly-large bookmark star on mobile UI (I#32727)
  * Stop double-escaping HTML which is made into links (I#31169)
  * Fix keyboard shortcut UI for selecting tickets on old themes (I#32748)
  * Add Reports menu with several predefined reports

  * Fix rt-ldapimporter --debug logging output (I#32196)
  * Improve rt-ldapimporter documentation
  * Produce output from etc/upgrade/upgrade-assets

  * Avoid overaggressively trimming whitespace from MIME encoded-words
  * Add config option $OverrideMailPrecedence to help avoid out-of-office
  * Fix issues with encrypted attachments being unreadable/absent

  * Skip DBA password prompt on SQLite
  * Avoid warnings when upgrading old saved searches (I#32235)
  * … and fix up those old saved searches (I#16856)
  * Restart asset and catalog ID sequences for Pg and Oracle in
  * Add index on Attachments table column Filename (I#32033)
  * Replace deprecated NOCREATEUSER with NOSUPERUSER for
    Postgres 9.6 (I#32511)
  * Avoid deadlock in SetOwner race condition which we believe affected
    only MySQL (I#32381)
  * The previous may have caused inconsistent ticket ownership, and so
    the 4.4.2 upgrade step will find and fix such issues
  * Add rt-validator rules for possible issues around ticket owner

  * Fix several incorrect references in output (I#31803, I#31804, I#31805,
  * Add --exclude-organization option  (I#31812, I#31813)
  * Add --limit-queues and --limit-cfs options
  * Suppress semi-unmigrated link relationships by default
  * Add --hyperlink-unmigrated option
  * Fix queue change transactions to mention unmigrated queues by name
  * Support for dashboards in menu preference (I#31810)
  * Support for RT at a Glance preference (I#31809)
  * Don't skip RT->System searches
  * Avoid breaking rights granted to users (I#31806)

Web Administration
  * Add checkbox for selecting all custom field values in admin UI
  * Log a history entry when adjusting whether a user is Privileged
  * Log history entries when adding/removing a group member both to
    the group and to the member
  * Hide disabled scrips by default, adding a "include disabled scrips"
    checkbox (I#30131)
  * Add missing timezone field on user create/modify (I#29977)
  * Add RT extension names and versions to System Configuration page (I#31482)
  * Add a "SetCustomFieldToNow" scrip action whose Argument is CF name
  * Fix default values config when CustomFieldGroupings introduces
    duplicate CFs (I#32441)
  * Fix ExternalAuth failure after viewing System Configuration
    page (I#32469)
  * Support custom field groupings for groups
  * User searches can now be sorted by user CF

Server Administration
  * Avoid error messages in 4.0.1 upgrade step
  * Improve automatic identification of `find` command
  * Add RefreshIntervals config option for managing homepage and
    dashboard refresh
  * Remove unnecessary conditionals on RT_Config Set calls for Assets (I#32087)
  * Log failure to unlink temp file after email parse (I#32142)
  * Make automatically linking a used article to the ticket configurable
    with $LinkArticlesOnInclude config
  * Add a --webpath option to rt-server
  * Avoid undef warnings with mbox MailCommand and FastCGI
  * Avoid regex deprecation warnings on perl 5.21.1+
  * Avoid issues with modern Perl versions excluding ./ from @INC
  * Reduce log levels of custom field loading issues caused by ordinary
    end-user actions (I#31742)
  * Add Host option for S3 ExternalStorage
  * Add SelfServiceCorrespondenceOnly config to filter history
  * Adapt SMIME probe to work with openssl 1.1
  * Tell S3 each file's content type rather than letting it guess wrong
  * Double bcrypt cost for password hashing
  * Fix unknown address log in ExternalAuth
  * Search $RT::LocalEtcPath for RT_SiteConfig.d includes
  * Avoid "Couldn't load object RT::Transaction #0" warnings (I#31548)
  * Log when Quicksearch wasn't replaced with QueueList as required by
    4.4 upgrade (I#32475)
  * Warn if ServiceBusinessHours config incorrectly specifies Sunday as
    day 7 rather than day 0 (I#32487)
  * Avoid broken DateTime::Locale versions (I#31542)
  * Avoid incompatible DBD::mysql version (I#32670)

  * /Elements/MessageBox now has a Placeholder parameter
  * /Asset/Elements/SelectCatalog now takes a ShowNullOption parameter
  * /Asset/Elements/SelectStatus now handles multiple lifecycles
  * Support processing time-related transaction CFs on ticket forms
  * Clarify the usage of skip_update in /Ticket/Update.html BeforeUpdate
  * Pass %ARGS from /Ticket/Modify.html to EditCustomFields
  * Disable reading of RT_SiteConfig.d during tests
  * Fix whitespace-related test failures under Mojolicious 7.0
  * Fix test failures when /usr/bin/sendmail absent
  * Factor out _OutgoingMailFrom into a separate method for extensibility
  * Ensure that Test::NoWarnings is skipped if skip_all is used
  * Fix bug where RT::Ticket->Create's SquelchMailTo would squelch only
    to the first address (I#31600)
  * Avoid test failure caused by hash randomization
  * Add an RT::Ticket->Atomic method for avoiding race conditions and
    deadlocks; if you have a custom page that calls Process* functions or
    $Ticket->ApplyTransactionBatch, consider using $Ticket->Atomic
  * ExternalStorage backends can now store/retrieve files by methods other
    than SHA256 of content by returning the identifier from ->Store
  * Concatenate each JS file with a newline to avoid breakage with custom
    JS files ending with a // comment and no trailing newline (I#32539)
  * Add $InitialdataFormatHandlers to open up initialdata to other formats
  * Set up default args for customizations calling SignEncrypt directly
  * Support managing groups as watchers in REST by specifying group id
  * New callbacks:
      /Elements/ShowCustomFieldWikitext WikiFormatArgs
      /Asset/Search/index.html Initial
      /Search/Elements/Chart AfterChartTable
      /Elements/EditCustomFields ModifyFieldClasses
      /Elements/ShowCustomFields ModifyFieldClasses
      /SelfService/index.html BeforeMyRequests, AfterMyRequests
      /SelfService/Closed.html BeforeMyRequests, AfterMyRequests
      /Ticket/Elements/ShowAttachments BeforeList, AfterList
      /Ticket/Create.html BeforeRequestors
  * Improved callbacks:
      /Elements/Tabs Privileged adds Search_Args, Has_Query, and ARGSRef
      /Elements/Tabs SelfService adds ARGSRef parameter
      /Ticket/ModifyDates.html Default adds results parameter
      /Elements/SelectDates BeforeDateInput adds Object, ARGSRef, and
          ShowTimeRef parameters
      /Elements/SelectDates AfterDateInput adds Object and ARGSRef parameters
      /Elements/ShowTransaction Default adds CreatorObj parameter

  * Include assets example in CustomFieldGroupings doc (I#32141)
  * Update links to the RT wiki
  * Improve Amazon S3 ExternalStorage docs
  * Improve LDAP import examples
  * Add docs for CustomRoles in initialdata
  * Update mailing list references to point to community forum
  * Improve documentation around creating a custom theme (I#31800)
  * Fix syntax error in SLA examples
  * Document how to include a config file for your extension
  * Add docs/customizing/scrip_conditions_and_action.pod for scrip
    conditions and actions
  * Expand Overlay docs to include many common extension patterns
  * Document how to include custom fields in format strings

  * Improve translatability of "Refresh home page every x minutes." now
    that "x" is configurable with @RefreshIntervals
  * Update translations for: Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch,
    Finnish, French, German, Greek, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian,
    Spanish, and Swedish

A complete changelog is available from git by running:
    git log rt-4.4.1..rt-4.4.2rc1
or visiting