Assets 1.0 Documentation

Assets Config


Assets configuration

Base configuration


Each asset catalog uses a lifecycle, exactly as queues for tickets do -- and the configuration is the same. See "Lifecycles" in RT_Config for documentation on them. Asset lifecycles are differentiated from dicket lifecycles by their type:

    assets => {
        type     => "asset",     # Note the type, here
        initial  => [ 'new' ],
        active   => [ 'allocated', 'in-use' ],
        inactive => [ 'recycled', 'stolen', 'deleted' ],
        # ...

This should be a list of names of queues whose tickets should always display the "Assets" box. This is useful for queues which deal primarily with assets, as it provides a ready box to link an asset to the ticket, even when the ticket has no related assets yet.


This provides the default catalog after a user initially logs in. However, the default catalog is "sticky," and so will remember the last-selected catalog thereafter.


Specifies which fields of RT::Asset to match against and how to match each field when performing a quick search on assets. Valid match methods are LIKE, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH, =, and !=. Valid search fields are id, Name, Description, or custom fields, which are specified as "CF.1234" or "CF.Name"


The format that results of the asset search are displayed with.


The information that is displayed on ticket display pages about assets related to the ticket. This is displayed in a table beneath the asset name.


The information that is displayed on ticket display pages about tickets related to assets related to the ticket. This is displayed as a list of tickets underneath the asset properties.


The Catalogs key of this standard RT configuration option (see "%AdminSearchResultFormat" in RT_Config) controls how catalogs are displayed in their list in the admin pages.


Specify a list of Asset custom fields to show in "Basics" widget on create.


Set( $AssetBasicCustomFieldsOnCreate, [ 'foo', 'bar' ] );

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